Below is the former Head Quarters of the Secret Police. Down the side street there was a further building with cellars used to interrogate prisoners. Our guide said if anyone mentioned BARTOLOMEJSKA you knew it was serious, serious trouble from ....
a nasty sort of fellow like shown below, perhaps??? Part of the tour was to an underground bunker, sixteen metres below. Many were built all over Prague, to be used as nuclear safe spots for several days in the event of nuclear attack during the Cold War. The plan was then to evacuate citizens to the country-side.
Despite dark periods like German occupation and Soviet terror, this stunning city remains a beautiful and fascinating place to visit.
You're right...that fellow from the Secret Police Headquarters that you took a photo of certainly looks like a nasty piece of work. Good thing he's not on the Olympic swim team - or you'd be banned from using your blog posting that sort of photo!
ReplyDeleteYep, good to see Woodsy having his Nick D'arcy moment.
ReplyDeleteSo I log onto my computer early in the morning to read about Rob and Marilyn's travel adventures. Loving the blog 'cos I love Europe, however the highlight of the pics would have to Rob in the KGB uniform.