Saturday, 21 July 2012

Czech Mate

It seemed a simple task. Check out of Prague Hotel, catch taxi to trai. Station, board train to Vienna.

Our train ticket did not list the main Prague station we arrived at. So we were dropped off in a side car park beside a single door of a rather scruffy looking building. We entered a corridor and emerged into a dark area. Not many people around. We found a poster with train times, but no platform information.

A young Czech woman asked if she could help. She approached a ticket window we had not seen in the gloom and spoke for us. Platform 3 we needed.

Naturally we were there well ahead of time. We had about an hour to kill. But train stations so far have been a buzz with shops, crowds, atmosphere. Not this one. Think Greensborough station with two more platforms.

Then later comes the announcement. Our train Is running 90 minutes late, due to "operational matters".

Time eventually passed. Our compartment for six had leather seats ith arm rests. The only other passengers were Jan and Garry, a retired couple from Denver, Colorado. They have travelled extensively and are the sort of US tourists who give Americans a GOOD NAME. Great company for the trip to Vienna.

I can now claim to have met someone who worked on the Obama election campaign.

Rob went down the stairs ahead of me and a young man with a backpack offered to help me. He carried my suit case all the down for me, placed it down, smiled and walked off with his friend. So nice!! An Egyptian taxi driver, who has lived here for 30 years, took us to our hotel, which is right in the city.

We visited a restaurant close by for dinner. And Rob enjoyed a traditional dish, which he claimed just melted in his mouth. Vienna Schnitzel, of course.


  1. Hi there you two,I am glad you are having a great time in Europe so far. Its great to read all about your exciting things you have done seen and explored, keep it coming. Enjoy Wien and have some Cake for me in the many Cafe shops there.
    See you soon. Love Gis xxx

  2. "He arrived my suitcase all the down for me." What are you drinking with your delicious Viennese meals??? Your travels sound marvellous and I love the photos. Miss you! xxx
